Reiki brings the whole you – body, mind and spirit into alignment so you can relax, revitalise and de-stress, allowing self-healing to take place. If you’re feeling stuck, stressed or experiencing pain, it’s the ideal place to begin your journey to wellness.
Reiki is a gentle yet powerful technique where the universal life force, chi or energy is channeled via the therapist to the client through the laying on of hands.
Life force energy flows within our bodies and when blockages in this energy occur, it can cause weakness, imbalance and precipitate conditions of illness. Reiki can be profound while at the same time be calming and relaxing. Each individual draws the universal energy they need via the therapist to bring a sense of calm and balance to mind body and spirit. It is understood that given the spiritual and intelligent nature of the universal energy, it goes to where it is needed.
Reiki has many applications and is considered safe as it is non-invasive, painless and does not use manipulations. While not a part of the medical model of treatment, Reiki is increasingly accepted via friends/family in mainstream institutions such as hospitals and palliative care settings due to its apparent benign application while being effective in bringing comfort and relaxation with the hands on therapy. It is effective in soothing stress, pain, emotional and mental anguish.
We are located in the foot hills of the beautiful Dandenong Ranges, Melbourne. If you wish to make an appointment with Amy please view our bookings page.

Amy Kinkel
Professional Kinesiology Practitioner (PKP)
Registered Professional Member -
Australian Institute of Kinesiologists (AIK) Reiki Practitioner