White Owl Well-Being is the realisation of Amy’s dream to help individuals gain access to a happy and healthy lifestyle. It all began in 2010 when Amy was Inspired by Kinesiology to assist others to reach their potential and achieve health and happiness. This led to the birth of White Owl Well-Being. “I believe Kinesiology can bring such profound and life changing improvement to people’s lives and I remain committed to raise awareness of these benefits.”
I currently receive counselling from a psychologist – can Kinesiology help me when I’m already receiving treatment.
Kinesiology can make a session with your psychologist more effective as it enables you to connect with the awareness and insight behind the conditions that you’re currently experiencing. Kinesiology is a complimentary therapy and when used alongside another treatment can improve the quality and progress of the treatment.
Many people ask how Kinesiology works. Firstly, what does muscle monitoring mean?
Muscle monitoring or testing is just the ‘tool’ used to determine if the energy in a muscle is flowing correctly or if there is a blockage. While not a strength test, if there is a blockage, the muscle will demonstrate a weakness. Each muscle in the body is a part of a greater system – the meridian system according to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Kinesiology can be understood as a combination of ancient wisdom and the more recent Western approach to health. Another great thing about Kinesiology is that it can access the energy flow in all muscles in the body. Think about that lower back weakness, the tight shoulders, you sometimes experience.
Kinesiology claims to help many conditions such as physical pain, stress, depression, digestive problems – how can this be?
The physical, mental/emotional and chemical/nutritional aspects of our bodies are all intertwined and Kinesiology works on all of them at the same time. As an example, consider the extremely busy lives we tend to live these days balancing work, relationships, family etc. There never seems to be enough time. While many may thrive on the ‘busyness’, it usually comes at a price – Stress.
If we are experiencing stress, we generally feel tension begin to tighten shoulder and neck muscles. Our emotions may become less than happy or constructive. Tightness in muscles may eventually throw our posture out of alignment, trigger headaches, and sleep problems and/or adrenal fatigue and hormonal imbalance. Has a relationship – work, partner, family, time management, overload or all of the above contributed to the stress? Digestion problems can ensue as we can begin to skip or rush meals, grab fast food and/or otherwise be eating while feeling far from relaxed.
I feel like I need some help with an issue causing me anxiety – how many sessions would I need.
Generally speaking, four sessions. You could expect to feel the benefit of a Kinesiology treatment after one session. However, it’s important to continue, as while some issues may be resolved in the first session, there will be more underlying issues feeding into the current condition. Think of an onion and the layers being peeled from the top. To get to the source of the issue, there will be a few more layers to take care of. Remember, we can carry issues for many years.